Privacy Policy

The operator of this website and the person to whom you send your question is  MONEE TECH a.s. with registered office at Václavské náměstí 841/3, Nové Město, ID number 08851484. MONEE TECH a.s.will process your query in its database systems primarily for the purpose of contacting you in the matter you are inquiring about.

Which of your personal data is affected and for what purposes will we process this data?

Based on the form you have filled in and sent, we will process the following data about you: name and surname, content and time of message delivery, IP address, email, telephone. The purpose of processing personal data is primarily to answer your question / settlement of your request.

In connection with this, this data can also be used for the possible protection of our rights and the rights of third parties, control the operation of our computer system and ensure its security, improve our services, incl. statistical purposes, bookkeeping and fulfillment of legal obligations that arise for us.

We will process your personal data in our computer systems, where we will store contact details and a history of communication with you. If your inquiries are transferred to a third party, this transfer will only be made in order for your inquiry or request to be processed.

For an easier user experience, customized content or advertising, and the need for anonymous data analysis, we use cookies that we share with our partners for social media, advertising and analysis. You will find more detailed information in this guide.

Legal basis of processing.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the provision of our services based on your request, the legitimate interests of our company and third parties (which are determined primarily by the nature of the service provided, the possibility of a dispute between you and the supplier about the services provided and our obligation to document paying customers, services, what performance we provided to them) and compliance with legal requirements (prevention of tortious activity, compliance with requirements under regulations on personal data protection, bookkeeping and compliance with obligations under tax regulations, etc.).

Who will handle this information, to whom will it be passed on?

We usually pass the question you send to the development company, owner or entity that manages the property. Therefore, we may provide your personal information to specific third parties. In addition, your personal data may also be accessed to a certain extent by

  • (i) operators of our IT systems,
  • (ii) persons who provide e-mails for us, if we use such persons,
  • (iii) operators of our backup servers and data backups and
  • (iv) where applicable, our economic, legal and tax advisors and auditors.

How long will we process data about you?

We will store your queries for a reasonable period of time, depending on the type of query. The time of data storage by our company may vary for the individual purposes of processing your data (eg it will be longer if you actually enter into a contract with the owner of the property, when we will need such data for bookkeeping and store it for the period specified by law).

Your rights.

We hereby inform you that you are not obliged to provide us with any data and their provision is voluntary, but without the provision of certain data marked as mandatory, we will not be able to provide you with our service. The service is not intended for persons under 18 years of age. Instructions for the period from 25 May 2018 pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”): Please note that you have the right to manage your personal data with our company:

  • request access to the personal data we process about you, which means the right to obtain confirmation from our company as administrator as to whether or not the personal data concerning you are being processed, and if so, you have the right to gain access to such personal data. data and other information referred to in Article 15 of the Regulation,
  • request the correction of personal data that we process about you, if they are inaccurate. Taking into account the purposes of processing, in some cases you have the right to request the addition of incomplete personal data,
  • request the deletion of personal data in the cases provided for in Article 17 of the Regulation,
  • request restrictions on data processing in the cases provided for in Article 18 of the Regulation,
  • obtain personal data relating to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transfer such data to another controller, subject to the conditions and restrictions set out in Article 20 of the Regulation, and
  • you have the right to object to the processing within the meaning of Article 21 of the Regulation on grounds relating to your specific situation.

Application processing

If we receive your request in the sense of the previous paragraph, we will inform you of the measures taken without undue delay and in any case within one month of receiving the request.

This period may be extended by a further two months if necessary and in view of the complexity and number of applications. If we do not take the action you request, we are obliged to inform you immediately and no later than one month from the adoption of the reasons for not taking action. We would like to point out in this connection that in certain cases stipulated by the Regulation we are not obliged to comply in whole or in part with your request.

This will be the case in particular if your request is manifestly unfounded or disproportionate, in particular because it is repeated. In such cases, we may (i) impose on you a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs associated with providing the requested information or communication or taking the required action, or (ii) refusing to comply with the request.

If we receive your request but have reasonable doubts about your identity, we may ask you to provide additional information necessary to confirm your identity.

We also warn you that if you believe that our company is processing your personal data illegally or otherwise violates your rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, ie the Czech Office for Personal Data Protection or you have the right to apply for judicial protection.

Contact information

In case of any questions, or if you want to exercise your legal rights or revoke the consent to the processing of personal data or granted by our company, you can contact us via e-mail:, or in person or by post at the registered office of our company, see the introduction to this document.